Being And Doing Good To Others Is Good For You - IZULAT

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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Being And Doing Good To Others Is Good For You

Recent studies, research and experiments shows that being good and doing good to other can affect one’s health and well-being into being good. It is like planting good and reaping good.
‘”Although many people are not aware of it, more and more research has weighed in to demonstrate how being good to others is good for you—for your well-being, health, and even your longevity.”(Psychology Today) 
 An experiment of two participants with high blood pressure were given money to spend; one to spend money for themselves and the others to spend the money to others like giving gifts to a friend. The result is amazing. The one that is given money to spend for others reduces their blood pressure which is according to the research is equivalent to doing exercise and proper diet.
“Moreover, the decrease in blood pressure was similar in size to the effect of starting high-frequency exercise or a healthier diet.” (Psychology Today)
Other acts of good like helping others can also contribute to good health and well-being of the helper not only it brings good to the helper’s health but make the helper happier and live longer as the study or research said.
“Those who provided instrumental support to friends, relatives, and neighbors, as well as those who provided emotional support to their spouses, were more likely to be alive at the end of the study period compared with less pro-social participants….More than 10 studies have also demonstrated that regular voluntary work predicts longevityHelping behavior can even buffer against the negative effect that stress typically has on mortality…” (Psychology Today)
“There thus seems to be something rooted in our very human nature that makes helping feel good across cultures. This is corroborated by neurological studies that have confirmed charitable donations indeed activate the reward centers of the brain.” (Psychology Today)
Being Good is indeed being good no more no less and being evil or bad is indeed being evil or bad no more no less.
“A dose of good deeds toward others, then, can thus be good medicine for improving one’s physical and mental health.” (Psychology Today)
But too much is bad.
“Of course, even here too much of a good thing can be detrimental. If people only concentrate on the well-being of others, they can ignore their own needs. There are too many tragic stories of people sacrificing their own happiness in order to serve their families or some grand global cause. Helping is good but it should be strategic and self-determined….” (Psychology Today)

The main point : Good is Health and as Health

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