US President Have COVID-19 - IZULAT

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Sunday, October 4, 2020


US President Have COVID-19

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US -Recently, United States President Donald Trump have found positive of COVID-19 and not only him but also his first lady Melania Trump and also the list of people that surrounds him were also found positive of COVID-19.

US President Donald Trump has been flown to hospital for treatment after testing positive for coronavirus…. both he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for Covid-19.” (BBC)

“The list of other people to have tested positive around Mr Trump include close aide Hope Hicks - believed to be the first to show symptoms - campaign manager Bill Stepien and former White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway. Republican Senators Mike Lee and Thom Tillis have also tested positive.”(BBC)

Sean Conley, US President Trump’s physician said that the president doesn’t need supplemental oxygen and doing very well. The president is being treated with remdesivir therapy and received dosage of Regeneron's antibody cocktail. The president also takes vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, aspirin, and famotidine.

US President having a COVID-19 give a challenge or a threat to his campaign for the coming US election on November because he needs to rest and must recover and the remaining days will be wasted because of the COVID-19 he gets.

Mr. Trump’s positive test result posed immediate challenges for the future of his campaign against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, with barely a month until Election Day. Even if Mr. Trump, 74, remains asymptomatic, he will lose much of his remaining time on the campaign trail. If he becomes sick, it could raise questions about whether he should remain on the ballot at all. The White House did not say how long Mr. Trump would have to remain isolated, but it canceled his plans to fly to Florida for a campaign rally on Friday, stripping his public schedule for the day of everything except a midday telephone call “on Covid-19 support to vulnerable seniors.”” (NY Times) 

According to the news, the president is not observing health guidelines regarding COVID-19 but held campaign rallies without wearing a face mask and not observing social distancing or holding a jam-packed rally. The president even mocks his political opponent Biden of wearing often face mask.

For months, Mr. Trump has refused to wear a mask in public on all but a few occasions and has repeatedly questioned their effectiveness. And as recently as Tuesday, at their opening debate, he mocked Mr. Biden for wearing one. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said, his voice dripping with derision. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask.”(NY Times)

He has scorned the advice of scientists, saying they were mistaken about the severity of the situation.” (NY Times)

“Trailing in the polls, the president in recent weeks has increasingly held crowded campaign events in defiance of public health guidelines and sometimes state and local governments…….. has held a number of rallies around the country since, often with hundreds and even thousands of people jammed into tight spaces, many if not most without masks.” (NY Times)

The main point : United States President Donald Trump got COVID-19 not only him but also his wife and some officials around him got the coronavirus. He is currently being treated. According to the news, the president is defiant of public health guidelines regarding COVID-19 like wearing a face mask often.

Image from Deadline website

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