World’s Biggest Iceberg Headed Toward South Georgia Island - IZULAT

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Monday, December 14, 2020

World’s Biggest Iceberg Headed Toward South Georgia Island


World’ biggest iceberg name “A68a” according to the news is headed in collision toward the South Georgia island putting the wildlife in the island particularly penguins there in great danger.

“The mass is now moving straight toward a remote south Atlantic island populated by penguins and seals. Scientists say a collision could cause a local, environmental catastrophe. Iceberg A68a has been on a slow journey toward cataclysm. The mass broke from the Antarctic peninsula’s Larsen C ice shelf in July 2017 and headed slowly for the open ocean, sliding through the water for over two years until it hit the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current circling the southernmost continent. And then, like a speed skater, it was on its way. The current propelled the berg on a fast track through what scientists call “iceberg alley,” a northeast route traveled by chunks of ice that break from the peninsula…. A68a broke off as a 5,800-square-kilometer mass….. It’s now headed straight for South Georgia Island, a British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic, where within days it could smash into the remote world teeming with wildlife. “It is really, really close, less than 50 kilometers away,” making a collision almost inevitable,…..” (Reuters)

“Scientists expect the iceberg to grind over the seabed, crushing the island’s underwater life. If the berg lodges at the island’s flank, it could remain a fixture for up to 10 years before the ice melts or breaks away, Tarling said. That could block some of the island’s 2 million penguins – including King penguins, Gentoos, Macaronis and Chinstraps – from reaching the waters to feed their young. The melting freshwater could also make the waters inhospitable for phytoplankton and other sea creatures that are crucial parts of the food chain. “There’s nothing that’s really been that large before in scientific history that we’ve seen coming up to South Georgia,”…. The iceberg is larger than 66 countries or territories, including Singapore, Luxembourg and Brunei.”(Reuters)

“The iceberg is comparable in size to many well-known islands. A68a is very similar in size and shape to Jamaica, almost as long as the U.S. territory Puerto Rico, and dwarfs China’s Hong Kong Island as well as the Southeast Asian city state of Singapore. Observers from the British Antarctic Survey told media that a flight last year over the A68a took about one and a half hours. The berg is so big, Royal Air Force pilots this week were unable to capture it all in one, single photograph.”(Reuters)

“An enormous iceberg is heading toward South Georgia Island in the southern Atlantic, where scientists say a collision could devastate wildlife by threatening the food chain….. The gigantic iceberg - dubbed A68a - is on a path to collide with South Georgia Island, a remote British overseas territory off the southern tip of South America. Whether that collision is days or weeks away is unclear, as the iceberg has sped up and slowed down with the ocean currents along the way, said Geraint Tarling, a biological oceanographer with the British Antarctic Survey who has been tracking the icy mass. A collision, while looking increasingly likely, could still be avoided if the currents carry the iceberg past the island, Tarling said. The currents "still have the power to take this iceberg in one direction or another away from South Georgia," Tarling said in an interview on Wednesday. "But it is really, really close, less than 50 kilometers away from the south shelf edge. That's getting so close that it's almost inevitable."”(SMH)


“Images captured by a British Royal Air Force aircraft show the magnitude of the monstrous, 4,200-square-km iceberg, its surface carved with tunnels, cracks and fissures. A number of smaller ice chunks can be seen floating nearby. "The sheer size of the A68a iceberg means it is impossible to capture its entirety in one single shot," British officials said in a statement. Still, the berg is diminished from its original size of 5,800 square kms, measured when the mass broke off from Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf 2-1/2 years ago.”(SMH)


The main point : World’s biggest iceberg name “A68a” is headed toward the South Georgia island that might endanger the wildlife in the island particularly the many penguins there.


iamge from CBS news website

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