COVID-19 deaths – is it
caused by it or by a fake vaccine and PCR test? Is COVID-19 a front to
depopulate the world?
According to Peter Koenig
– a geopolitical analyst and former senior economist of World Bank and World
Health Organization(WHO)- the so-called PCR test or Polymerase Chain Reaction
test which is administer to people to determine if one is positive of COVID-19
doesn’t actually tell if one is positive or not but still force to administer
it to people though it is said to be accurate and reliable test. The test still
gives false positive and false negative. According to him, the validity of the
test is questioned from the very beginning the COVID-19 pandemic begin and
there are scientific evidence that the test is “absolutely unsuited” in
determining if one is infected with the virus (that is if one is positive of
the virus or not).
“The validity of the PCR test has been questioned
for months, if not from the very beginning of the declared Covid-19
pandemic, including lately also by WHO. However, this test is still and
ever more so being forced upon us. This despite the fact that ever more
scientific evidence comes to the fore that the test is absolutely unsuited to
determine whether a person is "infected" with the Covid-19 virus.
According to some scientists there are up to 90% false positives. Besides,
a positive in 97% of the cases does not indicate that you will come
down with symptoms. Especially young people, and people without any
co-morbidities rarely show any symptoms.” (Peter Koenig/Global Research)
test will give you the disease by being positive and which then force you to be
allow to be vaccinated. The PCR test is a covert vaccination or a hidden
vaccination of the substance called “mRNA” aside from a fake vaccine that
pretends to be true vaccine with “mRNA substance.” A true vaccine is said to be
without “mRNA substance.” The cotton swab on the PCR test has many so-called
“Theragrippers” that carries the “mRNA substance” they are very tiny as a speck
of dust; it is a micro device which is self-locking and that deliver drug in
the body.
“Now several experts
and former mainstream journalists like John O'Sullivan are
warning that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination
program in disguise. 3 O'Sullivan is referring to a new
technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that is supposed to make it
possible to carry out covert vaccinations through a PCR test. 4
Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into the intestines of
its host, Johns Hopkins researchers have developed tiny, star-shaped
micro-devices that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs into
the body. These tiny devices, known as "Theragrippers," are made of
metal and a thin film that changes shape. They are covered with heat-sensitive
kerosene wax and each no larger than a dust particle. When the kerosene coating
on the Theragripper reaches body temperature, the devices close autonomously
and clamp onto the wall of the colon. Because of the sealing action, the tiny,
six-pointed devices burrow into the mucosa and attach to the colon, where they
are held and gradually release their drug load to the body. Eventually, the
Theragripper lose their grip on the tissue and are removed from the colon
through normal gastrointestinal muscle function.”(Jan Walter/Legitim)
The so-called “mRNA” vaccine is not actually a
vaccine according to experts but a gene therapy thing. The “mRNA substance” is
said to have negative effect on our DNA.
“In a revealing video conference 9 with
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dr. David
Martin, it is explained that the mRNA vaccine, by the legal
definition,is not a vaccine at all...It is falsely
called a vaccine to hide the fact that the purported vaccine
is, in fact, a gene therapy...Experienced physician and
epidemiologist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, stated in a
censored interview with Rubikon, "Actually, this
'promising' vaccine should be PROHIBITED for the vast majority of people
because it is genetic engineering!" Mary Holland, Vice President
and Chief Advocate of the Children's Health Defense Organization,
warns, "New vaccine technologies will likely lead to new types of vaccine
harms. Since there has never been an approved
mRNA vaccine, we really don't know what such damage will look like. Because
vaccines have been developed so quickly and clinical trials are so short, the
long-term damage is completely unknown." What is particularly chilling is
that the vast majority do not even know what the mRNA vaccine is doing
in their bodies...They simply allow themselves to be blindly vaccinated,
and this despite the fact that more and more independent and even orthodox
medical experts are warning against it (doctors from around the world warn
against mRNA vaccination).” (Jan Walter/Legitim)
“…..there is a relentless drive by western
countries, foremost Europe and the US to vaccinate-vaccinate-vaccinate - and
this with a substance that is not even qualifying as a vaccine, namely a new
type of what's also called "gene-therapy", a mRNA-type injection
which will affect the human genome and most likely the human ADN. mRNA stands
for messenger ribonucleuc acid.The best-known pharma-manufacturers of
these mRNA-type substances, falsely called vaccines, include,
Johnson and Johnson (J & J),
a few other inoculations from the Bill Gates created GAVI
Alliance, or the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also called
the Vaccine Alliance.They are located in Geneva, next door to WHO...This therapy
is untested. No substantial animal trials. In the few animal trials carried out
on ferrets and rats, all animals died. Claiming an emergency, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) recognizes the gravity of the current public health
emergency and has granted a so-called Emergency Use Application (EUA) for what
effectively is a gene-therapy, not a vaccine. Therefore, further animal trials
were skipped and this experimental gene-treatment, the mRNA-type jabs went
directly to humans - which are now acting as guinea pigs.”(Peter Koenig/Global
effects of this substance according to experts is death and even mass death in
the future.
Yeadon, Pfizer's former VP says that two to three years down the road, we may
see massive genocide-like deaths from mRNA-type injections.” (Peter
Koenig/Global Research)
“ Listening
to Dr. Yeadon, we also know that vaccination is unnecessary, as there are many
effective preventive and curing medicines available. In addition to the
immediate side effects, the medium to long-term collateral damage may be much
more significant.”(Peter Koenig/Global Research)
image from Great Reject website
thanks for the info :)