Oldest Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) - IZULAT

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Oldest Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex)

Alberta, Canada - Dinosaurs are giant reptiles that live long ago and paleontology discover their existence and their bones or remains.

Recently, as in the news,paleontologists in Alberta Canada have unearth new species of dinosaurs on Tyrannosaurus Rex group which according to the news,the oldest tyrannosaur. The oldest tyrannosaur is called Thanatotheristes degrootorum or called "the Reaper of Death".

"With its razor-sharp teeth and formidable two-ton frame,the newly discovered species terrorized the region some 79.5 million years ago.Though smaller than T.rex,it still measured about 30 feet long and about 8 feet tall.The new species was at least 2.5 million years older than its closest relatives,which may provide insight into when tyrannosaurs grew from small carnivores into the apex predators that perished 66 million years ago. (New York Times)

"Called Thanatotheristes,the 79-million-yer-old fossil is the oldest tyrannosaur known from northern North America and is the first new tyrannosaur species identified in Canada in 50 years........ Thanatotheristes degrootorum, a new genus and species was identified from a fragmentary fossil consisting of parts of the skull and the upper and lower jaw bones.The bones,which had apparently tumbled from a cliff and shattered on the shore of the Bow River,were found by John and Sandra De Groot (after whom the new species was named) in 2010 near the town of Hays,about 200 kilometers southeast of Calgary. " ( Message To Eagle )

" "This is the oldest occurrence of a large tyrannosaur in Canada,found in an older window of time than where previous tyrannosaurs have been found.", study co-author Dr. Zelenistsky,/PhD, The University of Calgary's principal dinosaur researcher and assistant professor in the Faculty of Science's Department of Geo science said in a press release. " ( Message To Eagle )

"" With this new species,we now know that tyrannosaurs were present in Alberta prior to 77 million years ago,the age of the next-oldest tyrannosaur.We can tell from the skull how Thanatotheristes is related to the other,better-known tyrannosaurs from Alberta ". " ( Dr. Francois Therrier / Message To Eagle )

Thanatotheristes degrootorum  (image from Message To Eagle website )

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