IZULAT Info : Sources Of Money - IZULAT

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Tuesday, March 15, 2022


IZULAT Info : Sources Of Money

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We all need money to get and to have our needs in our life but where do we get it?

Here are the three sources of it below:

1.Job or Work – find a job or work to get and to have money for one’s needs. A job or work is you are or one is working for someone in exchange for money.

2.Business or Negosyo -having a business or Negosyo to get and to have money for one’s needs. A business or Negosyo is you are working for yourself through either trading a product or offering services in exchange for money.

3.Joining a Contest – one can gain money by making joining contests a source. One can join or participate every kind of contests one is eligible or qualified to join like for example, a writing contests, promo contest by a specific products like soap or milk or other products, singing and dancing contests, number combination contest like lotto or bingo, etc., etc. It is gambling something in exchange for money prize or in exchange for money. One can get large sum of instant money in a contest if one wins.



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